Friday, April 8, 2011

CHN Breaking News Links

Best of 2011 from the CHN Breaking News Team

Lebron James Takes 20% Stake In U.S. Federal Reserve 

Lebron James Discusses Rebounding From The Credit Crunch

Miami Heat Forward Promises 'Hard Look' At Gold Standard

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President Spams Millions of Americans In Possible Pyramid Scheme

 CHN Has Attained The Following Email From Mr. Obama That Appeared In Millions of Americans Junk and In-boxes This Morning:



Three Weeks After Tsunami; Fish Found Alive

Rescuers Took A Picture of The Survivor Just Prior To Capture
Japanese Rescue Team Defies All Odds With Discovery

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Local Slut Adds Avocado To Chipotle Burrito Bowl

Area Harlot Not Satisfied With Salsa And Cheese
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African Country of Chad Not Heard From In 10 Days

'Not Even A Simple Phone Call,' Says Cameroon




Muammar Gaddafi Promises That His Military Mission Also Does Not Involve Removing Gaddafi From Power

Libyan Leader Finally Details Mission; Exit Strategy In Prime Time Address


NCAA Tournament Expands As 5th Region Discovered

Teams In 'South-South' Region Were Feeling Super Neglected

Corpus Christi, TX (CHN) - College basketball fans were awakened Monday morning with the unexpected news that the Sweet 16 has now expanded to the Sweet 20 after an NCAA spokesman admitted that the organization accidentally set up 5 regions instead of the customary 4. 

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Giffords' Recovery Continues To Impress Doctors; Has First Sexual Encounter Since Shooting

Doctors Maintain Satisfaction With Pace of Recovery 

CHN File Footage of 2 people (above)
Houston, TX (CHN) - Just 20 Days After The Tucson Attack, Gabrielle Giffords continues to stay ahead of her recovery plan according to staff at Herman Medical Center in Houston.  

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GOP Selects Guadalajara, Mexico For 2012 Convention

Historic Effort To Target Latino Vote Viewed As Key To Next Election

Children in Guadalajara, Jalisco Celebrate 
The News At A Local Dump

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Obama's Call For A 'Defecate' Freeze May Have Been Teleprompter Error

Constipated Americans Demand Answers Following State of The Union Speech

Washington D.C. (CHN) - Millions of Americans and a Joint Session of Congress began the unusual task of defecation avoidance following President Obama's 2nd official 'State of The Union' address Tuesday night. 

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